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Sharing Christ’s love with mothers who give birth in the social Hospital of Heredia, Costa Rica by giving “new mother care packages”. Packages consist of baby and mother necessities needed during the hospital stay. Packages will be hand delivered to the mothers at the hospital as supplies and donations are received. Basic kits include, knitted hat and or receiving blanket, diapers, washcloth, baby soap, water bottle and christian literature. We rely upon U.S. based knitting circles to help with the making of hats for the newborns and take donations both of supplies and monitarily from churches and individuals who wish to be of support this ministry.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Preparing the literature....Megan Breedlove.

As mentioned earlier our goal for Chubby Cheeks Chi Chi is three fold. One, to meet a physical need. Many of the mothers do need the items we will be giving them.  Two, to meet an emotional need. The exhaustion and task of being a new mom can easily lead to post pardom depression and having been in this same setting I can attest that even the smallest gesture to these moms can help to prevent this. Mine came from one of the cleaning ladies who stopped to "ooh" and "aww" over my baby.  Three, and by far the most important is the spiritual need. We will be including in our packets written literature of God's gift of salvation for us. 

My desire was to be able to give a message to these moms that could relate the love they feel for their new baby and compare it to God's amazing love for us, that He would give his precious child for us. As I was praying about and beginning the process of designing the literature I came across the website www.mannaformoms.com. Author Megan Breedlove writes devotionals designed specifically for mothers. She has written a book that has wonderful reviews and I was very impressed with her writings. The beginning and end of one of her blogs "Letter to a New Mom" was precisely what I was looking for. On another of her blogs she has written out a clear and caring way of presenting the gospel. I contacted Megan to see if I could translate parts of her writing and use them.

I am happy to say that not only has she has agreed but informed me that she speaks Spanish herself, and offered to come speak if I needed her to. What a blessing! I look forward to one day hosting Megan and setting up speaking arrangements for her. The "visionary" side of me that takes after my father, Dr. Bob Wilmarth, Veterinarian and Founder of  the ministry my husband and I serve under, hopes to one day see Megans book translated and be able to give that to these ladies. But for now I am just excited to have her be a part. I invite you to visit her website. www.mannaformoms.com.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful way to tell these new moms about the love of Christ and God's gift of salvation. I am sure Megan's writings and this ministry will be used by God to reach those who need Him and impact their lives and children forever.
