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Sharing Christ’s love with mothers who give birth in the social Hospital of Heredia, Costa Rica by giving “new mother care packages”. Packages consist of baby and mother necessities needed during the hospital stay. Packages will be hand delivered to the mothers at the hospital as supplies and donations are received. Basic kits include, knitted hat and or receiving blanket, diapers, washcloth, baby soap, water bottle and christian literature. We rely upon U.S. based knitting circles to help with the making of hats for the newborns and take donations both of supplies and monitarily from churches and individuals who wish to be of support this ministry.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

40 Dollars

When I first began talking about starting Chubby Cheeks I had a lady give me 40 dollars. It took a little while before I started to receive hats and items and of course I needed to buy the other things to put in the packets of items not donated. Whenever I needed to buy something I would say “I have 40 dollars”. It soon became a joke between my husband and I because in truth I had used that 40 dollars many times over.  However, a few weeks ago I knew I had a shipment of hats and blankets coming my way and I honestly did not have any more “40 dollars” to use to retrieve it. There is a flat cost of storage whether your shipment is one day or 7 in the warehouse once it reaches Costa Rica, after that the cost goes up. I received an email telling me that my items had been delayed due to circumstances out of their control at the port in Costa Rica. It took another week before it came in but in that time period I received a sizable donation from a group in Florida. The president and his wife had been here in March and were gracious enough to give some funding from their charitable donation fund of this particular group. You can imagine how pleased I was. With this I can pay taxes and shipping of the boxes that were on their way and of a future shipment that I knew was soon to be sent.  I can also purchase the items to go along with the hats and blankets that are given.  This will be most helpful.  Then there was another blessing. Two days ago I friend posted my link on her facebook page and through that someone gave another monetary donation. I want to make mention of this amount because of the lesson I was taught through it. I had been and am willing to give as many “40 dollars” as necessary.  My mother too had contributed to help. But the fact is that I knew that I would not always have the metaphorically speaking “40 dollars” to give and as much as I wanted to, I knew that if God wants this to happen He is the one I will have to rely and trust in. Whether I, or if one day someone in my place, can continue this on or whether God has it for a season only, I have to trust in Him alone.  God can speak to us in mysterious ways….Can you guess how much that donation was? I will give you 40 guesses.

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