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Sharing Christ’s love with mothers who give birth in the social Hospital of Heredia, Costa Rica by giving “new mother care packages”. Packages consist of baby and mother necessities needed during the hospital stay. Packages will be hand delivered to the mothers at the hospital as supplies and donations are received. Basic kits include, knitted hat and or receiving blanket, diapers, washcloth, baby soap, water bottle and christian literature. We rely upon U.S. based knitting circles to help with the making of hats for the newborns and take donations both of supplies and monitarily from churches and individuals who wish to be of support this ministry.

Friday, October 18, 2013

They may not always be tears of joy......

I don’t get tired of seeing adorable new babies.   How can you not melt when you see them stretch with their little fist of tiny fingers.  To ooh and aww as they pucker their lips. They sleep peacefully next to their mother. Yes for us it is a joy to welcome these new ones with a gift for their mother. Today Xenia told me how she was talking to a lady on the bus who said 40 years ago she was given some socks and a hat when in the hospital. She said he would never forget it. That it was so very special to her. While I compare how possibly this ministry may have the same effect on these mothers I am more hopeful that what they will take to heart is the message of love from our father And that one day  40 years from now someone may give a story  of how they came to know Christ through a simple gift given to them while in the hospital. But as we smile and enter the rooms we came across one who sat alone. There was no smile, no joy, a very curt “don’t give me one” left us to wonder if she was simply rejecting our gift or if there was more.  I left Hazel and Xenia to inquire her situation to be told exactly what I feared. She had lost her little baby. How heartbreaking. This very young mother sat in a room full of mothers with their babies forced to bear her pain no baby in her hands.  I can’t imagine the torture.  Please pray for this mother.  That is all that can be done.  She will have to be there 24 hours before being discharged. I have more to write but I will save it for another post. I wanted to bring light to this situation so you will be in prayer for her and all the other mothers here that deal with not only the loss of their baby, but the difficult task of having to spend recovery time surrounded by the babies of others. 

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